4 Reasons Why Greater Dayton, Ohio Homeowners Should Get a Fall Tune-up in September 

Sep 1, 2024 | Fall, Furnace, HVAC System, Safety Check, Scheduling, Season, Tune-up, Warranty, Weather, Winter

Getting your furnace serviced in September is smart for several reasons: the current weather, good timing, the upcoming season, and, of course…safety. At Greater Dayton Furnace & Air Conditioning, we want to ensure you’re fully prepared for fall and even the winter season. Skipping a safety and tune-up check can let potential issues with your furnace go unnoticed when you need it most. So, without further ado, let’s go over the four reasons why tuning up your furnace in September is a great idea! 

The Weather Is a Great Reason to Schedule Your Fall Furnace Tune-up 

You might wonder, “Why now?” Well, if you think about it, it makes sense to get your furnace tune-up done this month. Keep in mind, we usually recommend checking and tuning up your furnace before its first use of the season. For most people, this service typically happens at the end of summer or the start of fall. Remember, this year, fall officially begins on September 22nd! 

Another thing you should bear in mind is that during the furnace service, it will need to be completely turned off so our technicians can inspect it safely and thoroughly. Therefore, scheduling this HVAC service for this month is the best choice, considering the weather. With temperatures starting to level out, September is a great choice.

The Timing Is a Great Reason to Schedule Your Fall Furnace Tune-up 

Throughout the year, HVAC repairs, replacements, and upgrades are often in high demand. However, in the fall, the need for air conditioners drops significantly, making September less hectic. What does this mean for you? You’ll likely be at the front of the line to book your appointment at a time that is more convenient and works best for you. By doing so, you can avoid the last-minute rush and schedule your tune-up and safety check now! 

Winter is a Great Reason to Schedule Your Fall Furnace Tune-up 

Winter, spring, summer, fall… we know the order of the seasons. So, why not prepare for the upcoming cold season now? It’s wise to schedule your annual furnace tune-up and safety check in early fall if you can. This helps get your heating unit ready for the cold Ohio winter ahead. Think about it; the last thing you want in the middle of winter is for your furnace to malfunction, especially when a simple fall tune-up could have prevented it. 

The Safety Aspect Is a Great Reason to Schedule Your Fall Furnace Tune-up 

Did you know that carbon monoxide poisoning is quite common in winter? This is due to the increased use of furnaces, chimneys, and gas lines. The National Safety Council recommends having your furnace, water heater, or any coal-burning appliance serviced by a licensed technician once a year. Neglecting this can be harmful to you, your family, and your home.  

By scheduling your annual furnace checkups, you can help ensure your furnace works well during the cold months and give your technician a chance to spot and fix any potential issues in advance. 

In summary, we strongly recommend scheduling your HVAC system’s fall tune-up in September whenever possible. However, we understand that life can get in the way, and delays happen. If September passes by, don’t worry! You can still book your furnace tune-up in October or early November. 

As a final bonus reason, remember that regular yearly furnace maintenance checks help keep your manufacturer’s warranty valid. If that’s not an obvious reason to schedule your tune-up, we’re not sure what is! 

Call Greater Dayton Furnace & Air Conditioning today at (937) 412-2939 or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!